Join the Screen-Free Revolution!

Third Star is dedicated to bringing you a wide range of unique and engaging products that prioritize fun and entertainment without relying on screens.

Why Shop With Us?

Unforgettable Moments

Experience joy and create cherished memories with our unique products that inspire togetherness and laughter.

Diverse Selection

Explore a curated range of screen-free products, catering to various interests and age groups.

Lasting Connections

Strengthen bonds with loved ones through shared experiences and activities.

Fostering Creativity

Our products encourage imagination, creativity, and social interaction.

Customer Reviews


I enjoyed this activities book. It's a great way to relieve stress. It brings fun entertainment back to a respectable level. This book remined me of how I used to spend hours doing word search puzzles. It's therapeutic and enjoyable at the same time. I thank Third Star Entertainment for bringing forth the normalcy of relaxation without all the frustration. Gamers beware, Third Star Entertainment has captured the "kid" in us all.